Saturday, March 19, 2011

48 hours...(Day +15)

So....we were home for a total of 48 hours...and then....
C-diff hit....

Mom went in today for her daily infusions of needed medications...sometimes it is Potassium, sometimes Calcium...but today was a low down, lousy, no good day....

Mom couldn't keep anything down and she was spending more one-on-one time
with the ladies room than me...even after three doses of anti-nausea meds.

I discussed things with the RN, the doctor was consulted and it was decided that Mom most likely has C-diff which requires medications...which Mom probably can not tolerate orally at this point,
 so they must go in her IV.

So here we are again....
Mom was re-admitted for some IV medications and fluids to keep her hydrated during this time.
Hopefully she will be able to come reallllllly soon...

Her new phone number is


....I would give her some rest tonight, she is really tired and honestly, a little mad at the whole situation.
She did not want to be back here AT ALL!

**you may look up C-diff for youself if you wish...but be prepared, it is not for the weak stomached individual...

1 comment:

  1. Bloody C Diff! I hope they can get everything under control and you'll be heading back home soon.

    I know I'm not in VA, but call if you need anything.
