Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All Checked In...

We got to the MCV/ Massey Cancer Center bright  and early this morning for Mom to get admitted.

Her nurse (Richard, who is awesome!) got all of Mom's bloodwork done and got her PICC line accessed. Mom was even  kind enough (and brave) to let a new graduate RN access her port. It was this nurse's first time and both Mom and the RN did great. All lines have been accessed and are working.

Mom's will get her one dose chemo at 4:30pm this afternoon. It takes a half hour to infuse. Then she has to shower at 10:30pm tonight and early in the morning as the chemo leaches out of your pores and the staff doesn't want her to sit around in 'chemo skin'. She has linen changes at that time as well. She should feel good for the next couple of days.
The RN said she shouldn't feel any side effects until day 4 or 5 after the chemo goes in.

Mom and Dad....aren't they too cute?

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