Monday, March 7, 2011

Day +3

Mom ate SOUP!
Yeah!...I mean..well, I had to drain off all the broth and she ate noodles but hey, I will take it!

Then I finally found a game that I could beat Mom in...
Chinese Checkers for 2!

And did I mention Mom has a new found admiration for Charmin?
...I had to bring in some for her, she said the hospital TP was just awful!

I took a look at some of Mom's labs when I got to the hospital and it appears she dropped 200 'points' in her white blood cell (WBC) count...that is huge! Plus it looked like this happened on Friday into Saturday so that could have also made her feel more tired than usual...add that to the chemo 'yuckies' and the sleepy anti-nausea medications and that pretty much sums up why mom was a zombie on Friday and Saturday.

Her WBC still have a ways to go in the 'dropping' phase...when she hits 0.0# she will be at her 'Nader'...from then on when her WBCs go back up we know that is the new batch of stem cells taking root.
Her platlets still have a ways to drop as well...
I am thinking Wednesday or Thursday may be her 'sleepy' days...

Then it happened...Mrs. Carolyn G. said that Morgan had taken a long afternoon nap and complained of a headache...OH NO!

Sure enough by the time I picked her up she had a I scooped her up, went back to Nana and Grandaddy's...packed up and we were on the road. With Mom's WBC being non-existent in the next two days I couldn't stay and be around her and I couldn't chance Grandaddy getting infected either...

Let's just say the car ride home was...interesting...I can tell you that the Caroline County Fair Grounds have nice facilities (and I have not been to the fair!)

Day +3...this marks 3 days past stem cell transplant. I will mark her days like this from now on. Hopefully by Day +18 she can go home!

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